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Here I Am, Father

Here I am Father; I open myself to your love.

I claim I am worthy of your love, thou a voice in me may say I’m not

I claim I am pure of heart, thou a voice in me may say I am not

I claim I am your child, yet how can I be when I have never felt your embrace.

I claim I have found you but still I can feel lost.

I can have days or moments of being unsure of who I am.

I hear and feel this from so many, that if echoes in my heart.

I feel the despair of humanity this day and every day.

So I will set in the stillness and open my heart.

I pray for the unity of all to feel your love.

Each day I send forth my love, until there is no more voice in anyone except the voice of you my Father.

So here I am with an open heart.

I will open my eyes to see the reflection of you my Father in myself and all who I met.

In doing this I will be embrace in your love as those I embrace will know your love.

Together we will lift the despair of humanity and awaken the pure heart all your children.

I am here my Father with an open heart. Thy will be yours.

Tammy Roupp, 2012, copyright

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