"Whatever the setting, I create a warm, open and nurturing atmosphere where you can feel comfortable exploring and sharing your feelings and insights.
My emphasis is always on helping you quiet your mind to access your own Inner Wisdom that knows the truth."
— Rev. Tammy Roupp

Pathways Of Light Counseling & Courses
Helping People Access Inner Wisdom
As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor and facilitator of Pathways to Light courses and groups, Rev. Tammy Roupp offers you the opportunity of awakening spiritually by providing counseling and individual and/or group courses in person or via phone, web conference or teleconference.
Pathways of Light is a spiritually focused “church without walls,” dedicated to following the lead of the loving Teacher within, whose purpose is to provide helpful, healing resources that nurture and support the return to our true nature as Love. Pathways of Light provides self-study and correspondence courses with A Course In Miracles orientation.
In November, 2016, Reverend Tammy Roupp graduated from this rigorous program and is honored to share with you the following services and course facilitations.
Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling
Everyone has times when they feel anxious, fearful, tense or angry and cannot seem to break loose from it. You may be experiencing an undesirable habit which seems to control you. Or you mind may be returning again and again to review a scene which upsets or disturbs you. You may be experiencing dis-ease and need insight from Inner Wisdom on how to create things differently. Rev. Tammy Roupp customizes her Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling to be tailored to you and your needs, fostering and allowing your Inner Wisdom to enrich your spiritual growth and help you heal in a way that is best for you.
Relationship Enhancement Counseling
Relationships are a light-filled experience when partners or friends have the attitudes, skills and understanding needed to create a “safe haven” that nurtures the growth of each other. If you would like to create this kind of relationship with the guidance of Rev. Tammy Roupp, she will help you learn how to be each others’ best friend. Co-creating an environment of safety and trust, she assists couples and friends who want to create a more mutually loving and supportive relationship, feel safe enough to talk through anything, including your deepest fears.
Pathways of Light Individual and Group Courses
“There are twenty-two Pathways of Light classes I teach. And I can teach any one of these classes via phone or in person, one on one, or in a group. They are based on A Course In Miracles and they help you to hear and understand how the Holy Spirit works through you, how he talks to you.” — Reverend Tammy Roupp
Spiritual Awakening Eight - Week Program
Uncover your own innate Wisdom in a nurturing environment of safety and trust. As you share your experience it becomes easier to release the limiting concepts you no longer need. You get in touch wit your Inner Light and learn that It is always there for you. Old, limiting habits and beliefs dissolve, and you create abundance and peace in your life.
Healing Inner Child Eight - Week Program
Learn how to give your needy inner child the nurturing attention it has always wanted. The shared experiences and actives provide a rich opportunity to release limiting fears and bring more unconditional love into your life. Weekly focus cards and a guided meditation CD will help you bring your inner child issues to your Higher Self for transformation.
Self Transformation Correspondence Courses Leading to Ordination
These credentialed correspondence courses help you access Inner Wisdom and offer you a way to accelerate your growth at home. They are experiential, and when completed, lead to certification as an Ordained Ministerial Counselor.
A Course In Miracles ACIM Practitioner Courses
These credentialed ACIM Practitioner courses provides helpful tools for making the message of A Course In Miracles a way of life. They include a three-ring binder with 2 CD’s, 54-page workbook, laminated reminder cards and laminated poster. You have the option to work with a mind healing partner. For a free catalog with full course descriptions, call 1-800-323-PATH.
For more information about rates and course schedule, Accessing Inner Wisdom Counseling,
Eight-Week Programs or Ceremonies,
Please call Rev. Tammy Roupp at (570) 601-1232 or Email her at dtroupp2@gmail.com.